Saturday, 8 January 2011

Ben Heine

Mies Van Der Rohe once said 'it's better to be good than original.' I believe this applies to that of Ben Heine's work.
The image by Heine above reminds me of M.C Escher's Drawing Hands 1948 below;
I am not for one instance saying he has copied, it just has a similar feel, I think it's more down to the positioning of the hands. This particular image by Heine is probably my least favourite of his images. The ones below in my opinion are much more original and very clever.
 Heine is clearly a very talented drawer and obviously possesses a vivid imagination. 

As well as drawing some dream like and comical situations Heine also captures other more detailed and realistic scenes. 
This is possibly my favourite image of Heine's work it's just very light hearted and well executed.

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